I Have a Domain, What to Do?

Domains: I Have a Domain, What to Do?

If you already own a domain, connecting it to your website with HitMe is a straightforward process. The entire procedure is clearly explained in our article titled How to Change My Domain. It’s designed to help guide you step by step through the process, ensuring everything goes smoothly.

Please note that if your domain is registered with a provider other than HitMe, the costs associated with renewing the domain (and any other fees) must be covered by your original domain provider. Connecting a domain from an external provider to HitMe is completely free of charge. Your domain will remain registered with your current provider, and all you need to do to link it to your website is update the domain’s DNS settings to point to HitMe’s servers. This is a simple adjustment that can be done through your domain provider’s control panel.

To connect your own domain to your website, you may need to have an active package with HitMe. If you’re unsure about which package to choose or how to upgrade your account, our Costs and Payments article offers a detailed explanation of the available options. It will guide you through the process of selecting the right package based on your needs, whether you're looking to add advanced features or just need a more robust hosting solution for your website.

Once you have the appropriate package and have updated your domain's DNS settings, your website will be live with your custom domain! If you encounter any issues during the process, don't hesitate to check our dedicated support resources or contact our team for further

Connect your own domain to HitMe How to change domain on HitMe Link external domain to HitMe Update domain DNS settings Connect custom domain with website Domain connection and DNS setup with HitMe

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