HitMe: Simplified SEO Management for Your Content
HitMe provides a seamless way to manage SEO settings for all your content types, such as posts, pages, products, and categories. Its user-friendly design allows you to fine-tune SEO for your website with minimal effort. Here's what makes it stand out:
Comprehensive SEO Settings by Content Type
Posts & Pages: Pre-configured forms make SEO setup easy.
Products & Brand Pages: Access these features by activating the eCommerce module.
Taxonomies: Includes options for blog categories and brand pages, ensuring every aspect of your site is optimized.
Customizable Indexing Options
Decide if specific content types, like posts or categories, should appear in search results.
Control settings like noindex and sitemap inclusion with simple toggles.
Dynamic SEO Title and Meta Description Templates
Easily create and apply templates for SEO titles and meta descriptions across different content types.
Use placeholders to automate the generation of titles and descriptions:
%Site Title%: Automatically inserts your website’s main title.
%Title%: Pulls the individual title of a post, page, or product.
%Primary Category%: Reflects the main category assigned to the content.
%Separator%: Allows you to define a custom delimiter for title formatting.
And more.
How It Works:
Control Search Appearance
Toggle indexing settings to include or exclude content in search results.
Clear explanations guide you on the implications of your choices (e.g., noindex or sitemap updates).
Build Custom SEO Templates
Use an intuitive form-based interface to create templates for titles and meta descriptions.
Add placeholders with one click to dynamically populate content fields, such as %Title% or %Excerpt%.
Preview and adjust the format live, ensuring your SEO templates meet your needs.
Save Time with Pre-Built Forms
Forms are preconfigured for posts, pages, and products, adapting to your site's setup.
For eCommerce sites, additional forms are available for managing SEO settings for product categories and brand pages.
To learn how to set individual SEO settings for each page you create using the HitMe website builder, refer to the article: How to Set SEO for Pages Created in the Website Builder.
simplified SEO management dynamic SEO templates content SEO optimization search engine indexing customizable SEO settings SEO title and meta description